Genome Sequencer FLX is a high-speed and high-throughput next-generation sequencing system for establishing the nucleotide sequences of entire genomes. The GS FLX is based on 454 Sequencing technology developed by 454 Life Sciences and based on the pyrosequencing method.
Widest range of applications
The GS FLX system opens up new horizons for genomic research in all kinds of fields.
- De Novo sequencing and assembly;
- Primary complete sequencing of unknown genomes, transcriptomes and exomes;
- Resequencing and mapping;
- Whole genome and targeted resequencing, identification and analysis of SNPs, deletions, insertions and various structural variants;
- Analysis of genome regions associated with the disease and population studies;
- Sequencing and analysis of amplicons;
- Investigation of 16S rRNA and determination of virus subtypes;
- Superdeep sequencing of amplicons, detection of rare somatic mutations, HLA typing, etc.;
- Metagenomics and microbial diversity;
- Sequencing and analysis of 16S rRNA;
- Whole genome sequencing of the total DNA of microflora from the environment;
- Transcriptome analysis;
- Complete sequencing of De Novo transcriptomes, identification of splice variants and isoforms EST sequencing Expression profile analysis;
- Study of gene regulation and non-coding RNA;
- Epigenetics DNA methylation analysis;
- Paleogenetics;
- A unique combination of readings length, quality and quantity.