Our News (Page 2)


PCR is a laboratory diagnostic method aimed at identifying the causative agents of infectious diseases. The three-letter version is an abbreviation of the name “polymerase chain reaction”. Actually, this name reflects the essence of the method, but in order to understand it, you will have to thoroughly recall the school course in biology. But first,…

My Canadian Pharmacy about Main Symptoms of Depressive Disorders

At each person symptoms of depression appear at least once in life. A depression is a mental disorder which is followed by a working capacity loss, the decrease in mood and violation of thinking (this notion is known as “pressing triad”). In such state, the self-assessment of the person reduces considerably. Sometimes the person resorts…

About Our Online Pharmacy

My Canadian Pharmacy was created to help people living in Canada, US and abroad to buy medicines with familiar names at the lower price. All these medicines you can buy without a prescription and get away from «doctor-pharmacy» system when necessary means can be purchased only if you have doctor’s prescription. Our online pharmacy allows…

My Canadian Pharmacy about Metabolic Syndrome and Erectile Dysfunction

The metabolic syndrome represents a group of risk factors which increase the probability of development of CVD and diabetes of the 2nd type. It is characterized by an abdominal form of obesity, hyperlipidemia, violation of glucose tolerance, hypertension and resistance to insulin. The metabolic syndrome is associated with the increase of levels of pro-inflammatory markers,…

What is Genotyping?

Genotyping is the basis of personalized medicine. Each of us is unique. This means that the approach to human health must also be unique. Here you can make a genetic health passport. We propose to “read” your genes and give instructions on how to use your body and the potential that is in it, so…

What is Methylation?

Methylation is a biochemical reaction for the attachment / detachment of the methyl group -CH3, which takes place in every cell of our body billions of times per second. For the optimal course of this process, a sufficient intake of amino acids (methionine), vitamins (B2, B6, B12, folates), minerals (zinc, iron), as well as choline…